slides.html 7.2KB

  1. <!doctype html>
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  28. <div class="slides">
  29. {% for column in columns %}
  30. <section{% if column.params %}{% for key, value in column.params|dictsort %} data-{{key}}="{{value}}"{% endfor %}{% endif %}>
  31. <section id="{{}}">
  32. {# column's top slide #}
  33. <h3 class="title slide_title">{{column.title}}</h3>
  34. {% if column.content %}{{ column.content|safe }}{% endif %}
  35. {% if generate_indices %}
  36. {# Main column shows links to other columns #}
  37. {% if loop.first %}
  38. <ul>
  39. {% for other in columns %}
  40. {% if not loop.first %}<li><a href="#/{{}}">{{other.title}}</a></li>{% endif %}
  41. {% endfor %}
  42. </ul>
  43. {% endif %}
  44. {# if column has sub-slides, link to them #}
  45. {% if column.slides %}
  46. <ul>
  47. {% for slide in column.slides %}
  48. <li><a href="#/{{}}_{{}}">{{slide.title}}</a></li>
  49. {% endfor %}
  50. </ul>
  51. {% endif %}
  52. {% endif %}
  53. </section>
  54. {# show all column's sub-slides #}
  55. {% for slide in column.slides %}
  56. <section id="{{}}_{{}}"{% if slide.params %}{% for key, value in slide.params|dictsort %} data-{{key}}="{{value}}"{% endfor %}{% endif %}>
  57. <p class="title">{{slide.title}}</p>
  58. {% if slide.content %}{{ slide.content|safe }}{% endif %}
  59. </section>
  60. {% endfor %}
  61. </section>
  62. {% endfor %}
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  71. // More info about initialization & config:
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  73. // -
  74. Reveal.initialize({
  75. hash: true,
  76. progress: false,
  77. transition: 'convex',
  78. controlsBackArrows: 'visible', // would hopefully solve the faded-arrow thing
  79. // slideNumber: "h.v",
  80. // Learn about plugins:
  81. plugins: [ RevealMarkdown, RevealHighlight, RevealNotes ]
  82. });
  83. $(function() {
  84. // force autoplay for bg videos (but why?!?)
  85. $('.reveal .slide-background-content video').each((index, element) =>;
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  87. $('.reveal a:not([href^="#"])').attr('target','_blank');
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  89. $('.reveal img').each((index, element) => {
  90. var img = $(element),
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  92. if (altvec.length>1) {
  93. img.attr('alt',altvec[0]).addClass(altvec[1]);
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  96. // make all headers max-size
  97. // $('.reveal h1, .reveal h2, .reveal h3').addClass('r-fit-text');
  98. var enterSlide = function() {
  99. // set theme
  100. var the_slide=$(Reveal.getCurrentSlide()),
  101.'theme') ||
  102. the_slide.parent().data('theme') || 'sky';
  103. $('#theme').attr('href',`static/reveal/dist/theme/${the_theme}.css`);
  104. $('#nav-theme').attr('href',`static/css/nav/${the_theme}.css`);
  105. // set (or hide) top link
  106. var here = Reveal.getIndices();
  107. if (here.v) {
  108. $('#top-link').removeAttr('disabled').attr('href', `#/${here.h}`);
  109. } else {
  110. $('#top-link').removeAttr('href').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
  111. }
  112. };
  113. enterSlide();
  114. Reveal.addEventListener('slidechanged', enterSlide);
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