markdown.html 5.1KB

  1. <!doctype html>
  2. <html lang="en">
  3. <head>
  4. <meta charset="utf-8">
  5. <title>reveal.js - Markdown Example</title>
  6. <link rel="stylesheet" href="../dist/reveal.css">
  7. <link rel="stylesheet" href="../dist/theme/white.css" id="theme">
  8. <link rel="stylesheet" href="../plugin/highlight/monokai.css">
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  10. <body>
  11. <div class="reveal">
  12. <div class="slides">
  13. <!-- Use external markdown resource, separate slides by three newlines; vertical slides by two newlines -->
  14. <section data-markdown="" data-separator="^\n\n\n" data-separator-vertical="^\n\n"></section>
  15. <!-- Slides are separated by three dashes (the default) -->
  16. <section data-markdown>
  17. <script type="text/template">
  18. ## Demo 1
  19. Slide 1
  20. ---
  21. ## Demo 1
  22. Slide 2
  23. ---
  24. ## Demo 1
  25. Slide 3
  26. </script>
  27. </section>
  28. <!-- Slides are separated by regexp matching newline + three dashes + newline, vertical slides identical but two dashes -->
  29. <section data-markdown data-separator="^\n---\n$" data-separator-vertical="^\n--\n$">
  30. <script type="text/template">
  31. ## Demo 2
  32. Slide 1.1
  33. --
  34. ## Demo 2
  35. Slide 1.2
  36. ---
  37. ## Demo 2
  38. Slide 2
  39. </script>
  40. </section>
  41. <!-- No "extra" slides, since the separator can't be matched ("---" will become horizontal rulers) -->
  42. <section data-markdown data-separator="$x">
  43. <script type="text/template">
  44. A
  45. ---
  46. B
  47. ---
  48. C
  49. </script>
  50. </section>
  51. <!-- Slide attributes -->
  52. <section data-markdown>
  53. <script type="text/template">
  54. <!-- .slide: data-background="#000000" -->
  55. ## Slide attributes
  56. </script>
  57. </section>
  58. <!-- Element attributes -->
  59. <section data-markdown>
  60. <script type="text/template">
  61. ## Element attributes
  62. - Item 1 <!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="2" -->
  63. - Item 2 <!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1" -->
  64. </script>
  65. </section>
  66. <!-- Code -->
  67. <section data-markdown>
  68. <script type="text/template">
  69. ```php [1|3-5]
  70. public function foo()
  71. {
  72. $foo = array(
  73. 'bar' => 'bar'
  74. )
  75. }
  76. ```
  77. </script>
  78. </section>
  79. <!-- add optional line count offset, in this case 287 -->
  80. <section data-markdown>
  81. <script type="text/template">
  82. ## echo.c
  83. ```c [287: 2|4,6]
  84. /* All of the options in this arg are valid, so handle them. */
  85. p = arg + 1;
  86. do {
  87. if (*p == 'n')
  88. nflag = 0;
  89. if (*p == 'e')
  90. eflag = '\\';
  91. } while (*++p);
  92. ```
  93. [source](
  94. </script>
  95. </section>
  96. <!-- Images -->
  97. <section data-markdown>
  98. <script type="text/template">
  99. ![Sample image](
  100. </script>
  101. </section>
  102. <!-- Math -->
  103. <section data-markdown>
  104. ## The Lorenz Equations
  105. `\[\begin{aligned}
  106. \dot{x} &amp; = \sigma(y-x) \\
  107. \dot{y} &amp; = \rho x - y - xz \\
  108. \dot{z} &amp; = -\beta z + xy
  109. \end{aligned} \]`
  110. </section>
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  113. <script src="../dist/reveal.js"></script>
  114. <script src="../plugin/markdown/markdown.js"></script>
  115. <script src="../plugin/highlight/highlight.js"></script>
  116. <script src="../plugin/notes/notes.js"></script>
  117. <script src="../plugin/math/math.js"></script>
  118. <script>
  119. Reveal.initialize({
  120. controls: true,
  121. progress: true,
  122. history: true,
  123. center: true,
  124. plugins: [ RevealMarkdown, RevealHighlight, RevealNotes, RevealMath.KaTeX ]
  125. });
  126. </script>
  127. </body>
  128. </html>