An Adafruit DotStar based light organesque thingie
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dotstar-pixel-organ.ino 3.8KB

  1. #include <Adafruit_DotStar.h>
  3. #define DEBUG true
  4. #define NUMPIXELS 72 // Number of LEDs in strip
  5. #define DATAPIN 4
  6. #define CLOCKPIN 5
  7. #define DECAYFACTOR 0.95
  8. Adafruit_DotStar strip = Adafruit_DotStar(
  10. #define MICPIN A0 // microphone
  11. //Turns out QUIETPIN is not that important
  12. //#define QUIETPIN A1 // potentiometer to determine "quiet" level (no output below this)
  13. #define LOUD 768 // constant. Higher than that means compress to 0..255
  14. #define BUFFSIZE 96 // at least NUMPIXELS!
  15. #define AVGSIZE 5
  16. #define MILLI_AMNESIA 23 // How much to "falsely remeber" current value as history (1..999)
  17. int rawBuff[BUFFSIZE];
  18. int notHighBuff[BUFFSIZE];
  19. int lowBuff[BUFFSIZE];
  20. int index, minLow, maxLow, minMid, maxMid, minHigh, maxHigh, dynRange;
  21. #define rawLow(i) (lowBuff[i])
  22. #define rawMid(i) (notHighBuff[i]-lowBuff[i])
  23. #define rawHigh(i) (rawBuff[i]-notHighBuff[i])
  24. #define normLow(i) map(rawLow(i),minLow,maxLow,0,dynRange)
  25. #define normMid(i) map(rawMid(i),minMid,maxMid,0,dynRange)
  26. #define normHigh(i) map(rawHigh(i),minHigh,maxHigh,0,dynRange)
  27. unsigned long lastTime, thisTime;
  28. void setup() {
  29. if (DEBUG) {
  30. Serial.begin(230400);
  31. }
  32. lastTime = millis();
  33. index = 0;
  34. strip.begin(); // Initialize pins for output
  35.; // Turn all LEDs off ASAP
  36. for (int i = 0; i < BUFFSIZE; i++) {
  37. rawBuff[i] = notHighBuff[i] = lowBuff[i] = 512;
  38. }
  39. }
  40. void loop() {
  41. thisTime = millis();
  42. unsigned long rate = 1000 / max(thisTime - lastTime, 1);
  43. rawBuff[index] = analogRead(MICPIN);
  44. notHighBuff[index] = 0;
  45. int nextIndex = (index + 1) % BUFFSIZE;
  46. for (int i = nextIndex + BUFFSIZE - AVGSIZE; i % BUFFSIZE != nextIndex; i++) {
  47. notHighBuff[index] += rawBuff[i % BUFFSIZE];
  48. }
  49. notHighBuff[index] /= AVGSIZE;
  50. lowBuff[index] = (notHighBuff[index] + notHighBuff[(index + BUFFSIZE - AVGSIZE) % BUFFSIZE]) / 2;
  51. minLow = minMid = minHigh = 1024;
  52. maxLow = maxMid = maxHigh = -1;
  53. long pseudoRaw = rawBuff[index] * MILLI_AMNESIA;
  54. long pseudoNotHigh = notHighBuff[index] * MILLI_AMNESIA;
  55. long pseudoLow = lowBuff[index] * MILLI_AMNESIA;
  56. for (int i = 0; i < BUFFSIZE; i++) {
  57. rawBuff[i] = (long(rawBuff[i] * long(1000 - MILLI_AMNESIA) + pseudoRaw)) / 1000;
  58. notHighBuff[i] = (long(notHighBuff[i] * long(1000 - MILLI_AMNESIA) + pseudoNotHigh)) / 1000;
  59. lowBuff[i] = (long(lowBuff[i] * long(1000 - MILLI_AMNESIA) + pseudoLow)) / 1000;
  60. minLow = min(minLow, rawLow(i));
  61. minMid = min(minMid, rawMid(i));
  62. minHigh = min(minHigh, rawHigh(i));
  63. maxLow = max(maxLow, rawLow(i));
  64. maxMid = max(maxMid, rawMid(i));
  65. maxHigh = max(maxHigh, rawHigh(i));
  66. }
  67. int quiet = LOUD / 5; // was: map(analogRead(QUIETPIN), 0, 1024, 0, LOUD * 7 / 8);
  68. dynRange = constrain(
  69. map(max(maxLow, max(maxMid, maxHigh)) - min(minLow, min(minMid, minHigh)),
  70. quiet, LOUD, 0, 255),
  71. 0, 255);
  72. int buffIndex = index;
  73. float ledFactor = 1.0;
  74. for (int i = 0; i < NUMPIXELS; i++) {
  75. uint32_t rgb = uint32_t(
  76. ((uint32_t(float(normHigh(buffIndex)) * ledFactor) << 8) +
  77. uint32_t(float(normMid(buffIndex)) * ledFactor) << 8) +
  78. uint32_t(float(normLow(buffIndex)) * ledFactor));
  79. strip.setPixelColor(NUMPIXELS - i, rgb);
  80. buffIndex = (buffIndex + BUFFSIZE - 1) % BUFFSIZE;
  81. ledFactor *= DECAYFACTOR;
  82. }
  84. if (DEBUG) {
  85. Serial.print(dynRange);
  86. Serial.print(' ');
  87. Serial.print(normLow(index));
  88. Serial.print(' ');
  89. Serial.print(normMid(index));
  90. Serial.print(' ');
  91. Serial.print(normHigh(index));
  92. Serial.print(' ');
  93. Serial.print('\n');
  94. }
  95. index = nextIndex;
  96. lastTime = thisTime;
  97. delay(1); // this is considered good manners ;)
  98. }