### Spectroshaker This code for [Adafruit Circuit Playgroud Bluefruit](https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-circuit-playground-bluefruit) makes the RGB LEDs around it behave in one of two modes (determined by the state of the slider switch): * Spectrogram mode: LEDs are affected by low/mid/high levels of mic input (i.e. respond to music) * Shaker mode: LEDs are affected by x/y/z acceleration (i.e. respond to dancing) [video](https://www.zzzen.com/kraftz/2021-11-19-spectroshaker.webm) #### Note `lib/teaandtechtime_fft.py` comes from the [no-itertools fork](https://github.com/thedod/CircuitPython_FFT/tree/no-itertools) of Thomas Schucker's `CircuitPython_FFT`. It needs to be under the bluefruit's `lib/` folder.