A ChatGPT based emulator of Doctor Kernel — JJ's therapist from the book "[A digital Affair](book/)" by Neora Shem Shaul (or rather, a partial translation of it to English, because [at least currently] ChatGPT's Hebrew is not good enough. It is run as a console app, and emulates slow typing like a chat over a modem in 1993. For best results, run on a green on black terminal, with a large and archaic monospace font (see screenshot below for inspiration). #### Setup * run `./install.sh` * copy `example.env` to `.env` and edit it according to the instructions inside. #### Usage `./run.sh` is an infinite loop of sessions with the doctor. Whenever you finish a non-empty session, the log is saved and the `index.html` of the `logs/` folder gets regenerated (see below). #### Serving session logs via web `./logserver.sh` would serve session log files on port 8000 Note that you can try this as is (on a fresh repo clone, without even running `install.py`) to enjoy the 90s style gui (thanks to [BOOTSTRA.386](https://bootstra386.com/)). #### Resources `book/` contains the partial English translation of the book, and the entire original Hebrew book. #### Screenshots ![Screenshot](screenshot.png) ![Screenshot of the session log web server](screenshot-logs.jpg)