### Blinkinlove Materix _Blinkinlove_ (_אהיבהוב_) is a line of technoromantic jewlery by [zzzen](https://zzzen.com): these accessories come in pairs, and each can blink in a heartbeat rhythm in order to indicate that it can sense that its mate is nearby. The closer the mate is, the faster the blinking. It looks for its mate by performing a wifi or bluetooth scan ()depending on the model). The _Materix_ model is built on an [Adafruit Feather HUZZAH](https://www.adafruit.com/product/2821) board (with wifi capabilities) with a 4x8 [Neopixel Matrix Featherwing](https://www.adafruit.com/product/2945). For blinking, it uses a heart-shaped Neopixel animation. ![Blinkinlove Materix when close to mate](blinkinlove-materix.gif) Whenever it perfoms a scan, there's a blue indication on the right hand side. When the mate is nearby, this indication is limited to a single pixel, but when the mate can't be found, this becomes a more elaborate "where art thou" animation. ![Blinkinlove Materix desperately seeking mate](blinkinlove-materix-alone.gif)